The online workshop “the intercessor as a beacon of light” has been created to awaken you and help you beacon of light in times of darkness that will cover the earth. Isaiah 60:1 shows us our responsibility to shine and reveal the Messiah and His kingdom among the nations “Arise and shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you”
Purpose of this workshop:
This lesson seeks to turn the children of God into beacon of light that shine among the nations and allow the light of the Messiah to shine amid darkness to manifest the righteousness of His kingdom and prepare the way for His return. This workshop is a short training but will high impact that will help you discover the way to shine among the nations amid the darkness that covers the earth.
Workshop objectives:
1. Awaken the people of God with urgency to fulfill their role as prophetic intercessors and the need to become lighthouses in times of darkness that will manifest on the earth.
2. To be located and directed in the prophetic panorama that started before the return of the Messiah and the responsibilities we have as prophetic intercessors.
3. Activate prophetic intercessors in the four ways to shine according to their specific assignment.
Workshop content:
During the sessions of this workshop, we will go over the following subjects:
- Prophetic panorama of this season, which has already started.
- The intercessor as a lighthouse.
- Who is a prophetic intercessor?
- What does it mean to become a lighthouse?
- What are the effects of being a lighthouse?
- How to shine during current times?
- The four ways to shine as prophetic intercessors: announce, care, guide, sustain.
- How to become a lighthouse?
- Identify your assignment and the anointing.
- Join the community.
Módulos del Curso
Sign up today
for this workshop aimed at the children of the Heavenly Father interested in activating their role as a lighthouse in these prophetic times, to manifest divine justice on the earth and preserve God's purposes among the nations.
What will you receive when you sign up?
Two training sessions
Two live classes on ZOOM, 2 academic hours each
Access to the student panel
Recorded content of the workshop: video, audio, and PPT as support for learning.
Access to the exclusive workshop chat group
Be up to date regarding the training on Telegram
Student coordination support
Consultancy and mentorship
Lo que nuestros alumnos dicen
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Luego te llegará un correo con tus datos de acceso a al panel del Estudiante, donde podrás acceder al contenido de tus Diplomados.
Puedes acceder al curso inmediatamente. Tan pronto hayas realizado la compra y recibido tus datos de acceso podrás ver el contenido de este programa.
Claro que sí. En cada lección tienes un espacio para hacer comentarios e interactuar con nuestros tutores y tus compañeros. Podrás compartir todas las dudas que tengas
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